We ended up moving to a new town. Not because I have an ADHD child that was labeled in school, but because our house burned and my husband had been working out of town for 2 years. This was a brand new start for 4WB. He is, if I do say so myself, a very popular jr. high kid. Friends are constantly at my house, which is kinda how I like it.
He loves school and has bonded with all seven of his teachers. He is competitively swimming, and he just found out he made the HIGH SCHOOL swim team. They chose three 7th graders to give the honors of joining the team. Hey, who knows, maybe I have the next Michael Phelps on my hands.
All I know, is that ADHD is a REAL disorder. The wonderful head doctor told me that it is like a normal person sitting down in front of the television. You have the remote, and you turn it every 15 to 20 seconds, then you expect them to tell you everything from each channel. I had never thought about it like that.
I do, however, truly believe that ADHD is OVER DIAGNOSED!!!! Don't get me wrong. But I am very proud that every school I have taught in (all three) I always get the ADHD, ADD, and behavior problem kids. I would like to think it is because through the eyes of my son, I have become a much better person.
My wonderful 4WB and I have a wonderful relationship today. I would like to think it is because I wasn't afraid to ask for help. I put my pride aside and wanted to do what was best for us both....even if that meant me getting a little therapy.
Absurdly Yours by
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Love that all the friends like your house ... that is awesome!
I hope our babies are like that!
Kudos to you for taking the steps you did to get help for your son. It sounds like he's doing wonderfully now, which I'm sure give you peace of mind.
Thanks for stopping by my blog last week! I hope you'll visit again soon!
I'm so glad that things are working for you guys. It really is amazing what meds can do for a child that truly has ADHD. I think one of the problems that docs and others don't understand is that if the meds aren't working, maybe the child doesn't really have ADD. My parents struggled w/ my brother for years. He was diagnosed w/ ADD and tried every med, but they didn't work. Eventually at age 18 he was diagnosed as bipolar and got the correct meds. But, all those years they wasted on an incorrect diagnosis. They say the meds will only work if the child truly has ADD, so I wish they would look further when the meds don't work.
Thanks for telling your story. I really appreciate it.
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