Lets start with last Wednesday. I was scheduled to take my car for a "minor" recall. Well guess what? They couldn't do the recall until they fixed something else that was wrong that would ONLY be $470.00!! Cha-ching! I think the mechanic (not mechanic man, the dealer mechanic)tore something up when I brought my car in.
I went ahead and had it done which took all day, but this did give me some long needed thinking time. You know to make those mental list and organize my thoughts.
The next morning I got in my car, and what do you know.....the service engine light came on. Long story short, by Thursday night I had a brand new car! I guess my husband does really love me.
On another note, do you remember me telling you about the painter that was going to paint my classroom? (the $50 dollar man) Well, he was a no-show and I ended up doing it myself. I groaned and moaned at first, but I feel very accomplished to have completed the job. It looks great if I do say so myself. I would include a picture, but I broke my camera on vacation. (Hope to have that replaced soon.)
Come to think of it....in the last month I have broken my camera, my car, and my phone. I guess I ought to count my lucky stars that all items have been replaced but the camera. I could have gone ahead and replaced this, but I am holding out for the wonderful Canon Rebel XT with 12 mega pixals. Mechanic man would have a coronary if I just went and picked that one up without saving a little.
I meet my new class Thursday morning at 8:00a.m. sharp. I can't wait. I am almost finished decorating the room with the exeption of a few minor details. Prissy girl even went and helped me with a long list of chores today. She loves working in my classroom, and I decided I might as well take advantage of this.
I have been so happy to return to my "school family" this week. We are all trying to be "fishy" this year. I am referring to the book "Fish!" ( I know it should be underlined....but I couldn't easily find it, so just pretend it is underlined, please.) This is a great book about making the best of you job or whatever you do.
Absurdly Yours by
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Our school did fish one year too :) It was cool, but it made me think of the Real World Seattle.
Good luck on your first day of school :) :) :)
Sucks about the painter - awesome on the new car!!!
Hope your school year is great!
Yikes, that's a lot of bad luck! But, yay for a new car! Good luck tomorrow!
Boy you HAVE been busy!
Soooo...how did the first day go!?!
I wish my car would break so I would have an excuse to get a new one.
Hope the first day went well! I am kinda excited, kinda dreading my first day next week. I have done all I can do in my classroom, now I just need the kids to show up so I can teach!
I have a love/hate relationship with painting... I hate to do it, but love the outcome.
Have a great start up at school!
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