I was running errands and playing taxi for the kids the other day. Between picking up my son and daughter I decided I had enough time to go by the house and experience some PEACE! It was so nice to sit and enjoy the house without hearing "MOM!" or "Honey...".
After my brief meditation, I realized it was time to turn the taxi light back on. Well my third child, my dog, decided he did not want to go inside. After I chased him around the yard for a few minutes in heat that makes hell look cool, I just decided to try to load him in the car. (He loves to ride!) Walah! We are off!
I picked up my daughter and headed to where my son was waiting for me. He had been hanging out at a friend's house. I pulled up leaving my daughter and doggie in the car with it running. (Don't panic....she's 8 going on 30) I got out and made small talk with the friend's mom never paying attention to the fact that my daughter had gotten out of the car.
Well, to much dismay when I went to jump in my car and escape back to the homeplace.......the doors were locked. I could have laid out on the road right there and started my tantrum. It was hot, I was tired, my daughter was in her bathing suit, it was getting dark, the kids were hungry, ......I could go on and on. And to multiply this slight inconvenience I had already wasted all my small talk chatting with friend's mom. I nervously laughed and said doggie locked my car. She looked at me like I was loony for a moment then said here use my hubby's phone. I called my dear hubby thinking to myself the entire time it was ringing that we didn't have a spare key. Great....no answer with dear hubby.
What to do now? You see, we have only lived in our wonderful little town about 11 months so I don't have a fan club signed up to help in times of need..yet. Friend's dad, who is dog tired from work, calls a buddy to come open my car. While I am waiting I am
encouraging threatning the dog to step on the unlock button and
cussing worrying about my husband. He always answers his phone because is on call all day everyday. My hubby does call friend's dad's phone back and could tell I was
pissed irritated.
He proceeds to tell me that he is 40 miles away and if I have to break a window to break the windshield because it is cheaper to replace. Not are you and the kids okay? Are the mosquitoes feasting on ya'll? Do I need to rush to save ya'll? No, just bust the cheapest window. I guess he wanted me to drive home catching bugs in my teeth. WTF???
Anyway, friend's dad's buddy was in a class but his wife came to the rescue. (Thank God for women!Yeah for friend's dad's buddy's wife!!!!) and an hour and a half later I made it home and fixed myself a STIFF drink. Just think my car ran the entire time with its precious high dollar gas guzzling out!