Thursday, July 31, 2008

The good, the bad, and the ugly

Do you want the good or the bad first? What? Ok. The Good.


I do not have to paint my classroom! Did you hear that? I DO NOT HAVE TO PAINT MY CLASSROOM. A dear friend told me about this guy that would paint it for $50.00. I am so excited! This will be the best fifty dollars I have ever spent.


I need help. I am starting to have a break down. I feel it coming on. My little bitty baby son is going to jr. high a week from today. How can my baby be this old? Seriously. I. My eyes are welling up with tears as I type this. I am not normally an emotional person, but I can't believe he is growing up so fast. My husband thinks I am nuts. He can't relate to what I am feeling. Help me please!


I decided it was long enough to be its on post, so you will hear about it later.

Creative Commons License

Absurdly Yours by
Absurdly Yours is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Based on a work at

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I Won! I Won!

I haven't been able to write in the last couple of days because I have been BUSY, but I have sooo much to tell so get your cup of coffee, coke, or for some of you Vodka and have a seat.

I did go to my sister's house and had a blast! She is such therapy for me. My cheeks were sore from laughing so much. One day I will have to post some pictures of our silliness.

Anyway the real reason I went to my sister's is that I had an appointment at a "certain" college (near her house)the next day about a scholarship. This is a scholarship to send teachers back to school to get their master's degree. It pays for all classes, books, gives me a laptop and a printer. Woo Hoo! Heavenly....right?

Well, I have been working on this for about a year, and I had pretty much determined it wasn't the right time to go back and complete my graduate degree. (BUT deep down I really wanted this!)

I went to my meeting Saturday and I was one of 56 chosen out of 300+ applicants. Did you hear that...I GOT IT! Thanks for the cheering, but lets settle down so I can finish. They even handed me my new laptop Saturday, fed me a wonderful lunch, and informed me that I would not receive a printer instead I would get $200.00 to spend on any type of technology I wanted. Woo Hoo, again!

Things are looking up for my classroom too! I did a little sweet talking and roped myself into a job of painting my classroom before I report for duty on August 4th. The nastiness has really been bothering me so I decided if the school district could purchase the paint and supplies, I could do the shitwork job.

Things have definately been looking up for this week, but I do have one sad bit to share. My son, who has a heart of gold, had saved up for this new phone he wanted. He even asked for cellular phone store gift cards for his birthday. We went and purchased the phone last week because his other one was having issues. He was the happiest tweenager I have ever seen. Well, Saturday he went to the pool and someone STOLE it. Isn't that sad? I would love to tell you how his mom went absurd, but that will have to wait until I have more time.

I am off to be Picaso!
Creative Commons License

Absurdly Yours by
Absurdly Yours is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Based on a work at

Thursday, July 24, 2008


I woke up this morning with the sun shining and the birds chirping. I thought to myself what a beautiful day! Well that all changed rather quickly.

I had planned to go to my classroom today. I wanted to accomplish a long list of "to do's" so I would be ready for my NEW class. (Only 14 days until they arrive!!!)Well you are never going to guess what I saw when I walked in.

My tables were stacked like scaffols against a wall. The room smelled like a wet towel left in the car for a week. (You know that moldy, mildewy smell.) There was trash and coke cans on my desk. (Apparently they needed my room for summer school.:{) And on top of all that.....they pulled a broken, old air and heating unit out.

Don't get me wrong....I am glad to be rid of this metal, dust collecting, space age looking contraption, but it left a huge (about 5 feet) gap in between my bookshelves. The wall behind this contraption is a different color since apparently they painted sometime between 1940 and 2007.

UG! I thought my janitor friend knew about my OCD problems. I know I gave him plenty of hints to my "issues" last year.

Well, I tried to ignore the appearance of things and got started on cleaning off someone else's trash from my desk. I did manage to throw some stuff away and divide all my textbooks. (We will be changing our 4th grade classrooms to know where the teacher keeps the same kids all day.) But THAT WAS IT!!! I just grabbed my keys and left. That big gap was driving me insane! I wanted to go buy some lumber and start building a bookshelf immediatly.

Now, I don't want to go back at all! I have a million things to do in the next couple of days, and I feel like today was just a waste. I wonder how I could sweet talk the hubby into going to my classroom, building a shelf, painting it, and cleaning everything up.....hmmm, don't its going to happen.

John Deere's Mom did help me relax a little when she posted her list of what she needs to get done before the kids arrive. (Shew! I am glad I don't have her 8 bulletin boards.) Maybe I should just listen to Teachergirl and go get a big bottle of Vodka. Would it be appropriate to get all boozed up and go to the school to work? hmmmm....

I think I have decided to just erase the memory of my classroom out of my mind until Monday. I need to be excited about going to my sister's to stay tomorrow night. I am sure we will stay up late talking, drinking, and laughing. We revert right back to high school students when we get together.....what FUN!!! (Don't laugh at the picture.....we were both VERY intoxicated.)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

my dog is talented

I was running errands and playing taxi for the kids the other day. Between picking up my son and daughter I decided I had enough time to go by the house and experience some PEACE! It was so nice to sit and enjoy the house without hearing "MOM!" or "Honey...".

After my brief meditation, I realized it was time to turn the taxi light back on. Well my third child, my dog, decided he did not want to go inside. After I chased him around the yard for a few minutes in heat that makes hell look cool, I just decided to try to load him in the car. (He loves to ride!) Walah! We are off!

I picked up my daughter and headed to where my son was waiting for me. He had been hanging out at a friend's house. I pulled up leaving my daughter and doggie in the car with it running. (Don't panic....she's 8 going on 30) I got out and made small talk with the friend's mom never paying attention to the fact that my daughter had gotten out of the car.

Well, to much dismay when I went to jump in my car and escape back to the homeplace.......the doors were locked. I could have laid out on the road right there and started my tantrum. It was hot, I was tired, my daughter was in her bathing suit, it was getting dark, the kids were hungry, ......I could go on and on. And to multiply this slight inconvenience I had already wasted all my small talk chatting with friend's mom. I nervously laughed and said doggie locked my car. She looked at me like I was loony for a moment then said here use my hubby's phone. I called my dear hubby thinking to myself the entire time it was ringing that we didn't have a spare key. answer with dear hubby.

What to do now? You see, we have only lived in our wonderful little town about 11 months so I don't have a fan club signed up to help in times of need..yet. Friend's dad, who is dog tired from work, calls a buddy to come open my car. While I am waiting I am encouraging threatning the dog to step on the unlock button and cussing worrying about my husband. He always answers his phone because is on call all day everyday. My hubby does call friend's dad's phone back and could tell I was pissed irritated.

He proceeds to tell me that he is 40 miles away and if I have to break a window to break the windshield because it is cheaper to replace. Not are you and the kids okay? Are the mosquitoes feasting on ya'll? Do I need to rush to save ya'll? No, just bust the cheapest window. I guess he wanted me to drive home catching bugs in my teeth. WTF???

Anyway, friend's dad's buddy was in a class but his wife came to the rescue. (Thank God for women!Yeah for friend's dad's buddy's wife!!!!) and an hour and a half later I made it home and fixed myself a STIFF drink. Just think my car ran the entire time with its precious high dollar gas guzzling out!